March 22, 2012
7:37 AM Pacific
10:37 PM Eastern
This New Moon is a powerful force--electrifying and spontaneous, we've likely felt this energy over the past few weeks, alongside a tidal wave of accelerated time. Spirit indeed moves faster than matter, and at this time we can really understand just how true that is. It seems that what our minds and hearts desire--our bodies, and the physical world, are going to take a little more time catching up to--but that doesn't mean things won't eventually get going--it's just that this New Moon can be a bit conflicting unless we tread this territory very consciously. The New Moon conjoins Uranus and Mercury Retrograde, primarily, and with a rather wide conjunction with Vesta--all in Aries, and quite near the Aries point. With Uranus, this pulls us into the Cardinal Climax influx--Squaring Pluto in Capricorn. Naturally, such an intimate connection with the Uranus and Pluto Square, is going to create the experience, or illusion, of accelerated time--which could manifest as things moving very quickly, or possibly a desire to move rapidly but feeling as if things are not seemingly going fast enough. The primary image I get from this New Moon is of two cross currents, one composed of a mental and spiritual like ether--and another more dense and physical--creating the sensation that time and space are seemingly at odds.
With Mercury Retrograde, this is a natural juncture of revision--meaning it's an excellent time for reconsidering our stance with various things--questioning ideas, decisions, perceptions, situations--looking over life more thoroughly--such as taking notes of whatever faults might slip us up later on (usually this comes to our attention without much effort on our part), and addressing various mechanical issues, like changing light bulbs. With this comes a backward motion from the Retrograde force--but with Aries, and this New Moon conjoining Uranus, we feel equally propelled forward--so there is likely to be a lot of anticipation surging beneath the surface, awaiting to explode. Most of the newness that accompanies this New Moon, and the Spring Equinox--is likely to be a reinvention or resurrection of things from the past--like breathing air back into whatever we've set aside, put on the back burner, or even forgot about entirely. With the momentum of Uranus backing all this up--we have the potential to really evolve at this point, break out of the mold, and radically alter and restructure varying aspects of our lives. We may feel impelled to reinvent ourselves, or experiment with different options, experiences, or decisions. Sometimes, however, that desire to push forward is balanced with an equally powerful urge to return to the past--through reminiscence or even physically visiting places of familiarity. The significant lesson floating around this Lunar cycle is teaching us about our responsibility to projects, plans, and intentions we've already put into motion--and showing us new and different ways of utilizing them.
There could be a lot of seemingly enticing and hot prospects popping up quite randomly, but simply take note of them--see if jumping on some new and foreign path is going to lead you anywhere--or whether there are other things which already have more ground, momentum, and investment. The earthy grand trine between Mars Retrograde in Virgo, Pluto in Capricon, and Jupiter in Taurus, is still in clear focus. This has us concentrated more on the physical plane, giving the potential to adjust, organize, and solidify financial and resource structures. This is also likely to bring up survival issues--such as feeling propelled to accumulate more--such as money, food, objects, opportunities--feeling as if there isn't enough, or that we need to stock up for the future. Naturally, this would be a good time to do so, just as long as it doesn't get too obsessive or restrictive--or at least we're mindful of this potential manifestation.
Mars Retrograde in Virgo, is in a very tight opposition with Chiron, widely conjunct Neptune and Pallas in Pisces. This combination in general could have us focused on health related matters--nutrition, cleansing, dieting, exercise, meditation--and the process of reinforcing our ability to assimilate--to improve the way we digest life, either literally or metaphorically. This could also have the potential to allow us to take action of a healing process, to confront our fears, wounds, pain, or suffering in life---it could also help to simply expose these areas by allowing us to look at them objectively, and come up with ways of resolving or integrating these aspects within ourselves--and with Pallas--we can anticipate all kinds of new ideas, solutions, and also the desire to dig for the truth of these matters. Many of us are likely to have already been involved in this process for some time, especially with the last lunation/New Moon, and the Mars Retrograde cycle by itself--although this cycle should help provide more clarity and sense of direction--less like the, being stranded on an island surrounded by fog without a compass kind of feeling.
The Sun conjoins Uranus on March 24th, intensifying the already active Uranian impulse, creating surges of innovation, electricity, spontaneity, or rebelliousness. Mind your step for the several days surrounding this new Moon--be as conscious as possible with your actions, and mindful of your innate humanness (hubris). The archetype of the Fool, and those 4th density tricksters, are likely to be quite active around these transits--and they could possibly combine forces with that notorious prankster Mercury retrograde if we aren't careful. Venus enters Gemini on April 3rd--where she will be spending a bit of an extended vacation for roughly four months, since, she'll be going retrograde in May. Venus will also be slowing down, and preparing herself, for her rare rendezvous with the Sun, during the Transit of Venus phenomena occurring early this June (stay tuned for an expanded article on this subject, which I should, hopefully, be completing soon).
In general, Venus in Gemini lends toward a desire and expanded appreciation for communication, diversity, and experience--and while retrograde, we will be reevaluating our resources pertaining to our ability to effectively communicate, multi-task, or even include or relate the ideas of others into our life experience. Venus in Gemini demands that we have all our facts in order, and collectively, there is likely to be a increased expectation of having well researched something before putting it forward, or acting on it. The Transit of Venus, or TOV for short, has had this impact historically for quite some time--as our collective spirit has been choosing to evolve and develop through the mind/mental/communication matrix for the past two thousand years--essentially focusing on the fusion and integration of our collective mind and higher self--bridging both hemispheres--as well as synthesizing all the foreign elements of the planet--bringing people, cultures, plants, food, etc, together--mixing and coalescing seemingly disparate pieces, and attempting to figure it all out--while also trying desperately to extract the essential truth.
Mercury goes stationary direct on April 4th---finishing up the Mercury retrograde cycle--which has us tying up loose ends and picking up all the pieces, or putting the last bits where they belong. Pluto turns retrograde on April 10th (which it does quite often), however, this will be the gearing and prepping up stage for the square off with Uranus, which will kick off their rather tense and potentially chaotic combination this summer--which will carry us a bit beyond the year 2015--Pluto and Uranus will square 7 times between now and then! Revolutionary movements of all sorts are quite in season--and it's likely we will see many attempt to prop themselves up with this new moon--which probably won't work out too well in the long run. However, this Summer forecasts some quite eventful, if not just plain interesting happenings going on. My recommendation, as usual--be mindful of what you get yourself involved with in these times (primarily large-scale social movements)--heed Venus in Gemini's message--do your research. Mixing unresolved emotional turmoil with politics is ugly--but seemingly inevitable in this day and age. Channeled to the personal and individual level, this allows us to, as I phrased earlier, "break out of the mold", which essentially means the time is ripe for social deconditioning.
Unfortunately, whether you want to call them the "government", the PTB, or transdimensional reptilian overlords--"they" are quite aware of this potential, and many many things are well planned quite strategically for the funneling and control of this impulse, which by the way, arrives quite predictably, just as it did in the late 1960's with the conjunction of the Uranus and Pluto in Virgo. I've written about this is some past articles--but basically, like i said, the root of this process is deconditioning. The late 1960's brought quite a psychedelic tsunami to the United States, as well as the rest of the world--and things became much more....well, "liberal" and abstract, then they were before (I don't mean this mainly in a political sense, but rather more on the individual, social, and cultural level--although politics are also included). After this, we also experience, of course, a contracting cycle which adds a dash of conservatism so things don't get too out of control--but--ultimately, history and culture were permanently imprinted by these signatures. Naturally however, many of the ideologies, beliefs, theories, and visions from that time need to be thoroughly challenged and expanded upon at this stage of the cycle--so those who cling to the way things used to be, back in the "good old days", are likely to seriously fail at this time, or come up against stagnation.
This is the time to take the very products and end results from that era, and evolve them to the next level--which demands that we are critical about whatever pops us now--and there will be quite a bit to choose from. Neptune in Pisces lends a bit of spiritualism and possible religious overtone to these political movements as well--as our collective psychology, until 2026, will be fermented with a desire to return to the womb, and find salvation from a greater force. Let's not confuse that "greater force", with something which is merely masquerading as omnipotence--things aren't always what they seem. This can also make the populace a bit more passive--even with Uranus in Aries, this doesn't lend well to conscious action, but rather action rooted in blind faith, idealism, or even delusion. On the flip side, these energies will definitely assist in propelling a truly beautiful creative and spiritual/psychic revolution, and the most authentic expressions will not be found in the mainstream--look deeper, and ultimately, look within. Real change starts with us.
Overall--this New Moon is all about going back to move forward--which at first might feel and seem counter productive, but if just go with it, you'll look back and be glad you did. Taking your time now and being conscious of any or all impulses to rush blindly without thinking, will indefinitely serve you well. If coming up against setbacks, delays, or things falling apart, try to see the reason and potential behind it all--the less attachment we have to how things turn out, and the more we simply trust in what is, the less stress we will experience in the long run--and the more successful we'll be when the universe is more in favor of aggressive pursuits.
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon reads:
"A cameo profile of a man in the outline of his country"
I'd to share an interpretation of this symbol by Blain Bovee, excerpted from his excellent book, The Sabian Symbols & Astrological Analysis:
"[The symbol above] is an image of a side-view relief of a man that carries the impression of national identity. A "cameo" is a small piece of hard stone, often of differing colored layers with an image carved in relief against a background of a different color. Cameo is perhaps akin to "camera", a light-proof chamber from which the apparatus for taking photographs developed. "In camera" is hidden from public view; "camera obscura" and "camera lucida" are devices used to project an image in natural colors for tracing; a "cameo appearance" is a bit played by a distinguished performer. One gets the impression that a cameo profile shows a one-sided image like the profile of a Roman ruler on a gold coin, suggesting something more on the flip side".
I like the last sentence Bovee adds--correlating this image to the profile of a Roman ruler on a gold coin, and then the reference to the "flip side". Dane Rudhyar, in his book, An Astrological Mandala, interprets this symbol as "Participation in a greater life". Rudhyar suggests that the image, or side view of an individual in the shape of his country, suggests the notion of living a transpersonal life--and the realization by the individual that he or she is merely one part of a greater whole. What primarily stands out to me is the symbol's reference to the image of a man--the external presentation of the individual. This ties in with Mercury retrograde in Aries, and this New Moon and Spring Equinox aligning also with Uranus. These symbols strongly suggest radical reinvention of the self, in whatever form that takes. It suggests to us that we look deeper, at the flip side of who we are, and also cultivate the perception that who or what we are, is in fact a mirror image or representation of the greater whole--society, the earth, the solar system, the universe.
Perhaps along with this realization comes the notion that our identity is not something we will find without, externally on the outside--but rather, who we truly are is on the other side, deeper in our own personal world. So while the process of changing, or, seemingly acquiring our identity, may appear and feel like something entirely new, it's really a reunion with an old friend, because it was who were all along and we're just remembering. All these symbols suggest that we are being given the opportunity to tap into our more authentic selves, and to share and express that with the world at large, while also knowing that who we are is an extension of the divine--one piece of the greater whole we share. This is a time to question how we present ourselves, as well as the images and representations of other people that we've had. If you look carefully, you will see that there is much more than meets the eye, and that beyond our assumptions of ourselves and of others, is a more complex and profound reality than we could have ever imagined.
Spring Equinox 2012
Spring/Vernal Equinox
March 19, 2012
10:15 PM Pacific
March 20, 2012
1:15 AM Eastern
Spring Equinox occurs on either March 19th or 20th, depending on where you are. Because both the New Moon and Equinox occur so close together, their symbols inevitably blend and bleed together. Much of the energies from this New Moon are likely to forecast all three months of Spring. As I've mentioned above, we could interpret this to mean that this Spring has a lot to do with the resurrection and revision of self identity--which will involve processes and events fermented by the symbolism of Uranus and Mercury retrograde in Aries--radically breaking out of the mold, deconditioning, and further pushing who we are past the familiar and comfortable. This is a powerful force of radical destruction and of creation simultaneously. This cycle favors the tearing down of structures, which can be, at times, the first step of a creative process.
On the individual level, many may realize the vastness of their capabilities, and completely surprise themselves with how far they can actually go. The energies surrounding this Spring season may feel very overwhelming and possibly electrifying. With Mercury retrograde within both charts--the Equinox as well as the New Moon, we can be sure that the process of revising, reconsidering, rethinking, and making adjustments to various facets of our lives will continue on until Summer. This is further reinforced by Venus' retrograde cycle beginning in May. Pay very close attention to the unfolding of events around you now, as they all connect, synchronize, and coalesce. You will notice that many chapters are closing, and that many connections you've had with others are coming to some kind of climax or closure/resolution. We could look at all of this as very karmic, meaning, we are resolving and finishing up business we've had in many past lives, but also, simply things we've started in this life too.
It is the natural flow of life--one step forward, a few steps back, a few steps forward, one step back....and on and on and on we go, until we feel complete, whole, and integrated with the way things are--or that we've experienced enough and acquired the appropriate lessons. The retrograde process weaves this into our experience of time--allowing us to see beyond the linear perception of our conscious experience, to see that time itself is merely the result of cycles converging together-- interacting and flowing in a great cosmic dance. There are times in our lives where we need to go back to move forward, we need to go over things a few more times, just until we get it "right". This Spring is very much one of those times, and while that process is also coming to closure, it would be quite helpful to just keep it in mind. Embrace all the changes that may be occurring within you, and while it may be tempting to revert or even cling on to the past and the way things used to be, we are invited to ultimately break through the barrier to keep on with the process of transformation.
In the solstice chart, the most striking aspect is the Moon, sandwiched between Neptune and Chiron, in opposition Mars Retrograde. Again, this hints at a critical process of deep healing, integrating, and the fusing together of disparate elements. It also shows us that the most success this Spring will come as a result of patience. We may feel a bit agitated or antsy, because it may feel as if things aren't going fast enough--and at the same time, we may feel more apprehensive because it isn't clear which direction to go, or where we're being lead. If anything, Chiron is about the process, it teaches us that it is in the actual enduring of experience that allows us to understand and fully integrate. Chiron also teaches about the holographic nature of reality, and how everything, every piece of our selves and bodies, are merely fragments of the greater whole.
With Neptune in the picture, we are likely to see many psychic and spiritual awakenings happening--along with heightened emotions and sensitivity. There will also be a greater ability to tune into ourselves and others, especially our bodies. The core message of this combination is: True healing is a process of surrender, and learning to trust that our bodies--which are an extension of the earth herself, knows what it's doing--we just need to trust it confidently without judgment, and without fear. There could also be greater opportunities for securing our boundaries, along with a desire and yearning for safety and protection. A major lesson from this could be that nothing outside of ourselves will ever fully protect us--that the ability to guard and defend oneself comes from an internal state within, a energetic force fueled by vitality and inner strength. Ultimately, we are learning that we don't need to know or even fully understand what's happening all the time, and that it is in our conscious surrender that we are gently led toward our true path.
Spring is all about new beginnings, it is the rebirth of the Sun after its long journey through darkness. Every Spring the Sun arrives in the East, and begins to ascend higher until it reaches Solar Maximum on Summer Solstice (in the north). It is the east which, heralds the dawn of the new day, of new life, and of fresh opportunity. In Winter, the Sun descends lower in the sky (toward the South), and the days are shorter. Our celebration of Easter, is actually a tradition of revering the Eastern Star (East Star), the Sun. The fulfillment of the promise made on Christmas morning, that the Sun would be reborn and would rise again, is made each and every Spring. The Sun has now returned to the earth, and will increase its light, warmth, and abundance to all who are ready to receive.
This is the natural time that new creations for the Solar cycle are planted--however, with all the retrograde activity, much of these creations are not entirely new, or even as fresh as we might think they are. As I hinted above, the symbols surrounding this Equinox can also suggest the creative potential of destruction--of consciously controlled chaos. This will likely manifest in our personal lives, and in the collective field. This process allows us to see and accept that if things fall apart in life, it is actually giving way to new life--that something else will reemerge from the ashes. When this reality is embraced, we see that it is merely our judgements and our attachments that make such experiences more challenging, or painful, than they need to be. With that in mind, this Spring is the perfect time for clearing the decks, allowing things to run their course and to go their own willful direction--and to surrender to the new potential waiting to bud forth and herald the Sun, the dawn of the new day.
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Sunrise By The Ocean, copyright Vladimir Kush |